Cocaine Cowboys is a 2006 documentary thriller film directed by Billy Corben. It is produced by Alfred Seliman, David Cypkin and Billy Corben. The star in the film was directed by Jon Roberts, Mickey Munday and Jorge Rivi Ayala. While the cinematography was made by Armando Sales. Editing credit goes to Billy Corben and David Cypkin. The music for the film was composed by Jn Hammer. While distributed by Magnolia Pictures.

Cocaine Cowboys theme song

What’s the Cocaine Cowboys theme song?

It was released on April 26, 2006. The documentary received a lot of positive responses from audiences. While viewers also commented on their acting. So now there is some great news for viewers as it is going to be released again on the ott platform. Netflix is ​​ready to air the documentary. So be ready to see it again on your laptop and mobile screens.

The Cocaine Cowboys Theme Song: –

The documentary’s theme song is Bloodsport and was given by the American rapper and singer Pitbull. It’s a fresh song for the thriller like it’s never been seen before. It is not recorded by the artist. Although not officially released before that. Pitbull composed or sang numerous songs for the documentary. In the song, we can also hear a Latin rhythm.

Cocaine Cowboys theme song

What’s inside the documentary?

The documentary series is made up of the life of their bys theirs in high school. And they were planned to make money with something wrong and wrong. So they got the idea to sell cocaine in secret. They started the transaction in Miami. Later they become billionaires, but then they will be trapped in their own plans. And further on, we will see them managing their freedom vis-à-vis the authorities.

The series will be confused with the loss of suspense in which we will see the boys doing their best to hide their case from the authorities. And they also encountered a lot of problems.

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