The war of words between Bollywood’s famous writer Javed Akhtar and Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is not stopping. Now Kangana Ranaut mocked Javed Akhtar and said, ‘Dekho Kitni Jali Hai Uncle Ki’. Sharing the screen shot of an article, Kangana Ranaut wrote, ‘Movie Mafia Uncle, read this article and keep cool. Will invite Tereko to the premiere of my film.

Kangana Ranaut

Veteran Bollywood lyricist and writer Javed Akhtar on Friday filed an intervention petition in the Bombay High Court, claiming that Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has filed a petition seeking speedy renewal of her passport. Some facts have been hidden from In his intervention petition, Javed Akhtar stated that he had filed a criminal defamation complaint against Kangana Ranaut in November 2020 for her remarks against the actress in a TV interview.

Last month, Kangana Ranaut also filed an interim petition requesting that the Regional Passport Authority be directed to renew her passport which is required for her to travel to Budapest, Hungary for a film shoot. During the hearing on this petition on June 28, Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh, appearing for the Passport Authority, told the court that Kangana Ranaut’s petition is unclear and it is not clear what criminal proceedings are pending against her.

Kangana Ranaut

Rizwan Siddiqui, counsel for Kangana Ranaut, told the bench of Judge SS Shinde that only two FIRs were registered against the actress but criminal proceedings have not started against the actress in these FIRs. The lawyer said that the first FIR was registered by the Bandra police in October last year for promoting religious enmity through his tweets. The second FIR was registered in March this year on the basis of a complaint by the author of the book ‘Didda: Warrior Queen of Kashmir’ who alleged that Kangana Ranaut had announced the film on the subject of the book without his permission.

javed akhtar