Nachdi Lyrics by Garry Sandhu and G Khan is latest Punjabi song with music given by Daddy Beats. Nachdi song lyrics are written by Garry Sandhu and video is directed by Billa Sembhi.

Nachdi Lyrics

Ve nakk chadhdi jawani mutiyar di
Akh moon te chalde star di
Nakk chadhdi jawani mutiyar di
Akh moon te chalde star di

Gidde ch meri
Gidde ch meri
Gidde ch meri gutt khul gi ve
Gidde ch meri gutt khul gi ve
Ve nachdi te meri gutt khul gi ve

Nachdi song is releasing soon.

We will publish its lyrics and music video after releasing the song.


Nachdi Song Detail

Lyrics by: Garry Sandhu
Singer: Garry Sandhu, G Khan
Composer: Daddy Beats